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Acoustical Frequency response
(1) 80-18'000 Hz ± 3dB Max. peak SPL
(2) 113dB Power amplifiers
LO: 60W - HI: 60W Crossover frequency (3) 3500Hz (active),
24dB per octave
Transducers LO
section 5 inch, long excursion,
low distortion cone
driver HI section 1 inch dome tweeter,
fabric diaphragm loaded
with horn Nominal impedance electronically balanced
10K Ohms Connectors IN/OUT (loop): Neutrik
XLR 3 pin (1: GND, 2:
positive, 3: negative) Others power
3-pin IEC male receptacle
Mechanical Cabinet
6 litres, vented enclosure Mounting system four M8
fasteners, top, bottom & sides for AP-C or U-SB2
bracket Finish rounded edges and
corners, the outer surface is
hard-wearing painted
(black, white or any RAL colour). Cabinet size (W x H x D) 180
x 290 x 225mm Weight 5.5 kg | | | |